Well, today I was definitely spoiled. As you can see, I had a formal dinner prepared by my Knight in shining Armor. He woke up this weekend and was very sick. He had the children take me to a movie last night and he stayed home with the little ones. He then was so ill this morning when we were getting ready for church that he stayed home. He thought of what I would really want and he spent the weekend doing laundry and organizing all of it. He would put in a load and then fold a load and then rest in between loads. It was the most thoughtful gift ever. He also purchased the beautiful roses in the pictures, the lei to wear to church, and he is purchasing me a cake decorating video that I have wanted for awhile now. Dinner was an amazing meatloaf and we used our fine china that we received from our wedding. The children spoiled me by not fighting (most of the day) and by doing most of the things that I asked them to. All in all it was a wonderful Sunday. I am so grateful for my little family!